
Alicia Dehens

Alicia is the leader of the demon hunting group the Stealwinged Squad. She is a very kind but socially anxious girl who wants to help the people of Riverfell.  


Alicia followed in the footsteps of the demon hunter Marie, the original founder of the Stealwinged Squad. Marie trained her in the arts of hunting after she was attacked by a dryad. The Study of demons came quite natural to her, but she still struggles to fight any of them.

One of Alicia’s most treasured items is her hat. It was gifted to her by Marie, the founder of the Stealwinged Squad, who is a big inspiration for her. The hat inspires her to face any challenge head on.

She loves thee and sweets.

Every member of the Stealwinged Squad has a bird as their symbol. Hers is a dove.

De kludde van Riverfell - webcomic en webcomic tips
De kludde van Riverfell - webcomic en webcomic tips
De kludde van Riverfell - webcomic en webcomic tips

Daniel Schemers

Daniel is also a member of the Stealwinged Squad. He is a chaotic but kindhearted guy, who wants to proof himself to the town.


Daniel is not very popular amongst the towns people. Many rumors are going around about him. If there is any truth to them is unclear.

Daniel loves parrots. This is why he also always carries a keychain of a parrot around.

Dan was born with black hair. He painted it red later on.

He lives spicy food.

Every member of the Stealwinged Squad has a bird as their symbol. His symbol is a crow. Even though he would prefer it to be a parrot.

De kludde van Riverfell - webcomic en webcomic tips
De kludde van Riverfell - webcomic en webcomic tips
De kludde van Riverfell - webcomic en webcomic tips